About Us
Dariusz Bielski (Bee-el-ski)OwnerDariusz “Derek” Bielski inherited all shares of House Handy LLC, as well as all assets and equipment by legal resolution/amendment on October 15, 2021, at the direction of Cynthia Werts. He has been a trusted and valued employee of House Handy, LLC, as well as friend and colleague of Cynthia Werts for many years. If you’ve done business with House Handy in the past 23 years, you’ll likely recognize him.
Dariusz was born and educated in Poland. He holds a Master’s degree in Biology from the Uniweristet Warminsko-Mazurski. He and his wife immigrated to America shortly after graduation, reuniting with parents living in North Brunswick, New Jersey. In this neighborhood Dariusz met Cynthia Werts and began his long association with House Handy. |